Our Adult Volunteer Program accepts volunteers over 18 years of age who are interested in volunteering repeatedly with us throughout the year. These dedicated, passionate members of our community will have the opportunity to assist with community gardens, grounds maintenance, Carousel and Train rides, unique conservation projects, special events, and/or community outreach events! Do you…

Be a mentor to a student attending our academy

Child Care Center, Nutrition Services/Greeter, Popcorn, Reach Out and Read, Surgical Waiting, Trauma Department – Safety City

Volunteers help us with the following: Tutor, Fine Arts, Field Trip Chaperons, Helping children read or reading to them, Special Events, Engineering/ Robotics, and Administration

– Help recruit Corporate Members and Event Sponsors – Research and/or write grants

Act as Event photographer, become an administrator or editor for our Website or Facebook and other social media page updates, assist with posters, graphics and printing needs, help with newsletter layout preparation, assist with email announcements to members.

Just like Courtney said in her testimonial, it’s as important to spread the word about Midland County Foster Closet as it is to make a donation to it.

Making a difference isn’t just about donating money. It’s about creating awareness too. Help us share the Starfysh story, and the stories of those on La Gonave, to the world. Follow us on Facebook and share some of the great things that are happening on La Gonave with your networks. Share our posts or send…

Write letters of encouragement to couples attending the weekends and remember to pray for them throughout the entire program.

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